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The Nukes brighten a Winter Saturday night

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Surely at least 100 turned up at Piha Surf Club on Saturday 3 September to hear The Nukes in concert. The Nukes are three ukelele (really 2 ukulele and one banjo) playing maestro from  West Auckland – David Parker, David Thiele aka Snapper, and Ben Collier – and some loyal fans came to Piha from Henderson Valley, Titirangi and other far-flung corners of the West, including Karekare. They write all their own songs in genres from blues and country to world/folk. Lyrics are quirky and sometimes a little dark. One of the hits for me was Snapper’s scat solo – a born master at the art. The Nukes started their evening with a workshop with about a dozen lovely local ladies who could truly start a Piha Ukulele Band. Preceding The Nukes was our own local star, George Thomson, who, with his mate, Ronnie Dugdale, well entertained the crowd with some R&B with a hint of blues. Food flew out of the kitchen and a golly good-natured night was had by all. Thanks Cat Tunks and Piha SLSC.

David Parker, David Thiele, and Ben Collier at Piha Surfclub, 3 September 2011

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