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Installation of Piha dog bylaw signage

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Auckland Council’s Communications & Public Affairs department together with Local & Sports Parks and Regional Parks have designed a standard design for dog bylaw signage for regional use. New signs are to be installed at Piha and they are consulting about the number and location of these signs.

Please note that this consultation is NOT about the actual rules, but about the signs. The Local Board will be consulting about the actual rules in 2015.

The Piha Beach dog bylaw is complex and requires an overall map in key positions to show the changes in control requirements of dogs, throughout the entire site.  The proposed signage is designed to better inform park users of the current dog bylaws and to clearly show areas of Piha where dogs are prohibited, and areas which are on and off leash.

Map signs click here to see  Att.1 Piha beach dog bylaw map400wx600h link with the proposed poles signs (see image left) Att.2 Piha Beach dog bylaw beach post signon the edge of the dunes.

Map signs are 400mm x 600mm mounted on a post, whilst the pole signs are 250mm x 1200mm rough sawn pine timber with a coloured logo reset into the pole at a size of 215mm x 260mm.


The map (below) Att.3 Piha Beach dog bylaw sign location mapshows the intended position of the map signs and post signs. Unfortunately this map was too big to be uploaded, so I have condensed it we may have made it rather small to read.















Local & Sports Parks West invite you to provide feedback on the position and number of signs proposed to be installed at Piha to inform users of dog bylaws in the area, using the feedback form below.

Feedback Form

You are also able to view hard copies of the proposed signage in the following ways:

  • At the Piha Community Library
  •  An open day drop in session will take place on Marine Parade North near Little Lion Rock Corner, on Saturday 18 January 2014 from 10am to 2pm.

After reviewing the documents please send us your comments by filling in the attached feedback form.

 All comments to be received by 5pm 7 February 2014.

If you have any questions about this process please contact Helen Biffin on 09 301 0101 or email parkswest@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.

Categories: news, Uncategorized

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